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Window                   Sets a Text Window

 Window(X1,Y1,X2,Y2 : Integer);                                          [TP]

    Defines a text window. All text operations now take place within the
    window, including line-wraparound and scrolling. Screen coordinates
    are relative to the window. No writing can occur outside the window.

              X1    Integer value; leftmost column of window (1..80).

              Y1    Integer value; top line of window (1..25).

              X2    Integer value; rightmost column of window (X1..80).

              Y2    Integer value; bottom line of window (Y1..25).

          Notes:    After defining a text window, its a good idea to move
                    the cursor to within that window with GoToXY(1,1).

                    The minimum size of a text window is 2 lines by 2

                    The default text window is the entire screen. The
                    Window parameter values for the default windows are
                    defined below:

                            Mode       X1     Y1     X2     Y2
                          40 x 25      1      1      40     25
                          80 x 25      1      1      80     25

  -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

           Window(10,5,70,10);      { create window }
           ClrScr;                  { clear that area }
           GoToXY(1,1);             { and move cursor to corner }

See Also: GoToXY ClrScr GraphWindow TurtleWindow
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson